
Eleven Rack Tag

07 Apr Fil “wins” one of the three “L’Arancia” Awards at Avid for Eleven Rack

Nobody had told me, and I don’t think I win anything else than being exposed a bit more but I just found this out and I wanted to let you know, too.

“L’Arancia” Award is an Avid Eleven Rack Award. (“L’Arancia” in Italian means Orange lol. Strange that this award has an Italian name?).

So maybe I won a fresh orange… juice. Lovely, I say! Give me one right now for my kingdom. I am all sweaty and been so for the past 10 days in the Indian hot climate.





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28 Mar Back In Black Tone Project Update (“Critical” info inside, from Mr. Townsend at Avid)

Due to the incredible availability and kindness of Mr. Chris Townsend at Avid – I would like to remind you that Mr. Townsend is Lead Guitar Products Architect at Avid, and he is responsible for all algorythms for FXs and amplfier modeling inside both the Eleven Plug in for Pro Tools AND the Eleven Rack – I have been exchanging emails – feverishly from my side of the ocean lol – talking about my experimentation to debunk, dissect and reproduce faithfully Mr. Angus Young’s guitar sound on the whole Back in Black album.

As this is my personal life-dream (guitar wise), this is all very meaningful to me; so I will take a chance to thank again Mr. Townsend for all of this (thank you, Chris!).

Here is his take on the compression side of the Schaffer Vega:

Chris Townsend wrote:

Hi Fil,

I definitely agree that there was some sort compression (more…)

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24 Mar SoloDallas’ “Back In Rack” (lol) With Avid’s Eleven Rack™


you haven’t seen me for two days, have you?

Certainly you couldn’t care less, I know, and you’re right 🙂

But I was working on this “tune”, if we can call it so (and I don’t know).

Thing is, that last sunday Avid’s Mr. Chris Townsend had gotten in touch with me regarding my use of Eleven Rack. He had seen a couple of my videos (maybe less) and he said he liked them. So he said that they would give me a beta version in advance to the General Availability for the public of the latest update for the Eleven Rack (it’s a pay-for update and they gave me a perfectly working beta for free!).

Eleven Rack is a splendid piece of Hardware and Software – a modeler, they call it – that emulates the whole signal path from guitar to “tape” (hard disk), that is, amplifier, effects, cabinets, microphones and many super cool other functions. We had talked about it a bit when I was using it so much last summer.

Mr. Townsend and his Team just released a much awaited update to the software (firmware) of the machine, that allows for even more things than before, with new amps, effects and… speaker breakup. (more…)

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